Growing your business through knowledge and real world application of AI and cutting edge technologies.
Here at METIS we are connecting the power of knowledge with entrepreneurs and innovative businesses looking for growth.
The METIS platform collects and curates the latest in cutting-edge technology research and sector insight, and packages that knowledge into easy to understand and easy to apply business actions.
We combine this insight and knowledge with a view of emerging and established business partners who can help you deliver business change and revenue growth.
Bringing the latest technology and scientific brilliance into your Boardroom, every time you need them.
Get ahead of your competition and be a first mover with a METIS subscription, tailored to your specific business challenges.
METIS is a single source of cutting-edge technology knowledge, combining the latest academic research with current trends and a view of businesses already applying innovative solutions.
Academic Knowledge
The brilliance of the latest academic research and the technologies to come.
Horizon Scanning
Current trends and developments across ten cutting-edge technologies.
Business Implementation
Emerging & established solutions and Business Partners.
METIS monitors this landscape and decodes the science, creating easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply solutions to business challenges. Our monthly Knowledge Packs are tailored to helping you grow your specific business.
METIS is aimed at Entrepreneurs, Innovators and Business Leaders asking themselves these questions:
How can I grow my business revenues and profitability?
Where should I focus my time, resources and budget?
How can I make my business more efficient?
Where does the business need to be focused and positioned in 2026, 2027 and beyond?
Which new products should I develop?
Which technologies should I be deploying in my business?
How can I make the time to keep on top of everything I need to know about the world of cutting-edge technology?