Got a face for radio? Go Faceless video

I was once told I had a face for radio. Which I thought was a bit harsh at the time, but I'm over it now. Thanks mum though.

Faceless videos could be my thing, they also could be yours. If you're in the influencer game and are looking for a short-form video creation platform to create your faceless video content for social media money making - then is a good platform.

Co-founded by Cole Gonzales, who has 7 million followers (that's huge, that's the entire population of Bulgaria - though not literally), you can get 5 videos a month created for free.

7 million followers. Imagine the pressure every time you put content out with that amount of eyeballs judging you. You need to get paid for that...

Tailfin: Make AI work for you


Alice. Alice. Who the FAQ is Alice?


Want some viral videos?